HFQ Vitalshake Premium Collagen Protein Natur 400 G

Zawartość: 400 g
128,43 zł
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HFQ Vitalshake Premium Collagen Protein Natural provides the body with collagen proteins. Collagen is a natural substance in our body that ensures healthy connective tissue, beautiful hair, strong nails, and vital skin. When collagen decreases (for example, due to aging, stress, or smoking), wrinkles, cellulite, and other problems can occur. The collagen protein powder is suitable for adults who want to support connective tissue and improve the skin from within.

The collagen protein powder is obtained from material from cattle, through the latest technological processing methods for a pure and high-quality product. The powder is enriched with pharmaceutical-grade glycine, an amino acid that is important for healthy connective tissue.

Collagen is a protein that provides structure. It is the main component of, among other things, the skin, connective tissue, and cartilage. Vitalshake Premium Collagen Protein provides satiety during dieting, supports muscle building and regeneration, and helps repair weak connective tissue. It also contributes to firmer skin, reduces wrinkles, and strengthens hair and nails.

The powder is free from sugar, sweeteners, fat, cholesterol, artificial flavors, preservatives, additives, gluten, herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, flavors, carbohydrates, lactose, soy, and GMOs. No genetic technology has been used.

Więcej informacji

  • EAN
  • Wolne od
    Künstliche Geschmacksstoffen, Künstliche Süßstoffen, Gluten, Konservierungsstoffen, Genetisch Modifizierte Organismen (GMO), Soja, Laktose
  • Marka
  • Typ produktu
  • Zawartość
    400 g